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8 December 2020
Radio on a wrist: collaboration between ELARI and Kids Radio – new entertaining and educational content in 4GR smartwatch!
The new kids' smartwatches model - ELARI KidPhone 4GR that went on sale in October 2020, received a software update in December. Along with the updated interface and functionality, there was a button added that allows to quickly turn on the Kids Radio station. Starting from December 7, 2020, the Kids Radio can be listened to using the icon on the watch face via a loud built-in speaker, wireless headphones, or a speaker.
Celebrating this launch, Kids Radio and ELARI will give away 100 KidPhone 4GR smartwatches from December 7 to 27 on the deti.fm website and the official Instagram account @detifm - under the "100 hours before the new year" motto. Interesting quizzes, exercises for ingenuity and speed await. 100 winners will meet the new 2021 year wearing the best kids' watch from ELARI!
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